Returns & Exchange Policy
For hassle-free returns or exchanges, simply WhatsApp us at +923288950920, and our Customer Service Team will assist you promptly.
Return Policy
1) Please note that return requests must be submitted within 7 days of receiving your order.
2) If the item you want to exchange is unavailable, we reserve the right to offer a refund.
3) To initiate exchanges or refunds, customers must provide their Order ID or Invoice. Failure to provide these details will result in the rejection of the exchange or return request.
4) The cost and responsibility of returning our product to the facility will be borne by the customer. No item can be returned or exchanged more than 7 days after delivery. If an item has already shipped, you will not be refunded the shipping amount.
5) Returned items must be in their original condition, unworn, undamaged, and unwashed. Any undisclosed defects or issues discovered upon return will result in the rejection of the exchange/refund request.
6) Refund and exchange requests will be handled within 7-10 working days upon receiving the returned item. Please note that refunds cannot be issued in cash due to logistic company policies; they will be processed exclusively via Bank Transfer.
Returning Address:
Shani Arshad Store, Shop # 8, Yaseen Center, Behind Shalimar Center, Tariq Road, Karachi, Sindh 74500.
For more details, you can contact us at:
Shani Arshad Store Whatsapp Helpline: +923288950920